Friday 18 December 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Monday 14th December was Christmas party day in nursery, we all came to school in our best party outfits and Mrs Low played some music so we could all have a dance and play some dancing party games! When we got tired we sat down and palyed a game of pass the parcel. We were all feeling a bit peckish by this point so we sat down and had some tasty snacks which included some crisps and biscuits, yum yum! Then we had a very special visitor come to see us ........... it was Santa! We all had our photograph taken with him and he gave us all a chocolate santa to eat. It was a really special day!

Monday 14 December 2009

Christmas Carol Celebration

Last week in nursery we held our Christmas Carol Celebration. We had been really working hard to remember all the carols which we sang to our family and friends. We were able to dress up as angels and re-create the nativity scene learning all about the birth of baby Jesus. Afterwards our family and friends were invited back into nursery for a hot drink and a mince pie, a good time was had by all.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Colour and Light

In nursery this half-term we have been learning about colour and light. We have really enjoyed finding out about the differences between night and day and have had some great fun making dens and playing inside them with our torches.

Friday 13 November 2009

Fairlop Heritage Day

Fairlop Heritage Day was a day to remember for the whole school! Nursery really enjoyed taking part in the parade dressed in red and white colours representing England. Nursery children followed on after the reception classes and did a fantasti job waving the flags that we had made in nursery earlier that week!

Thursday 5 November 2009

Visit from a paramedic

The Nursery had a visit from Mr Low - a paramedic from East of England Ambulance Service. He talked to the children about his job and answered any questions they had. He showed the children how to put on a sling and listen to a person breathing using a stethoscope.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Welcome back to Nursery!

A warm welcome all new children and parents to Fairlop Nursery and of course, a warm welcome back to children who were with us last year.

The Nursery Team has changed since last year and now consists of Mrs Low (formerly Miss Sales) - Nursery Teacher/Green group Key worker, Mrs Stichbury - Blue group Key Worker, Mrs Gilbert/Mrs Nicholson - Red group key workers, Mrs Barker - Teaching Assistant. Please feel free to speak to any member of the team if you have any questions or concerns.

The children in the Nursery have made a great start to the year. They are beginning to make friends and are having fun exploring the Nursery environment to find out what they can do.

Keep visiting this blog to see pictures and videos of the children working. This week you will see the Nursery children singing the song Boom Chika Boom. Enjoy!